Random Updates

I don’t have too much to say this morning, except I haven’t been called in yet! Although, after paying our car insurance (Jon’s new Jeep increased his insurance by $400 a year!), I’m feeling like I could use a couple extra hours at work! And our AMEX bill is crazy high, but once I looked at our spending, a ton of it was hotels and the car rental for our trip. However, we’ve definitely been spending too frivolously. We’re going to have to get that in check because our summer is not going to be cheap (Europe, a beach trip for Crista’s 30th birthday, Kassie’s bachelorette party, and Kassie’s wedding), and we’re following that with tuition for both of us! I may just have a heart attack now.

In good news, Jon may be getting hired on at his his per diem job full time. It’ll be a few more weeks until we hear anything, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed! The only issue is that he doesn’t have a bachelor’s degree, but he’s already working for them without one and he’s received really good feedback from the rest of the staff there. If not, he did get a huge raise at his hospital job, so at least that’ll give us some extra money every month. I’m not too worried since it’ll all work out, and my job is super consistent too. I also have a couple of leads for new jobs for me as well, so we’ll see! (I don’t want to leave my job now- just do something different part time as well).

On the baby front, I still don’t have my period yet. According to my ovulation pee stick, I had an LH surge on the 9th (so I ovulated on the 9th or 10th, most likely). I took a pregnancy test on Saturday and it was negative. Jon did make the comment that I was clearly PMSing so I couldn’t be pregnant (I guess I’ve been mean), but that comment didn’t go over well, haha. I’ve read a ton of things saying that you may test negative for a good 7-10 days after a missed period (which would have been on Thursday, if I’m going off my last two cycles). So, we’ll see. This is definitely harder to do after being on the pill for so long and not really knowing what normal really is still. I’ll probably wait until Thursday to test again so we don’t go broke on pregnancy tests.

Anyway, I’m going to head over the pool for a few to enjoy some sunshine before heading into work at 3pm. I plan to hit up the gym on my way home for a quick and easy workout.

Birthday Celebration!

Happy Sunday evening! I wish this weekend would never end! I’m on call from 7a-3p tomorrow and then I’m working 3p-7p for somebody. It’s supposed to be sunny out, so I’m really keeping my fingers crossed not to get called in so that I only have to put up with 4 hours in the ER on a Monday!

This weekend has been a good one! I worked all day on Friday, so decided to just hang out at home on Friday night. Jon and I ended up watching three hours of documentaries on the prison system in Georgia before calling it a night!

Saturday morning was my beloved Cardio Muscle Mix via ClassPass! I was feeling a little beat at the beginning, but I think my shoulders just aren’t ready for planks at 9am! Laura and I decided to grab some breakfast afterwards since I was seriously starving during class. I do love me some Saturday morning gym time and breakfast time with Laura!

I knew I was going to have a late night out to celebrate my upcoming 29th birthday so I figured I needed to rest up! The old lady in me doesn’t do well past 10pm. It was dreary out, so after a quick shower, I laid down on the couch and didn’t move for four hours. It was awesome.

I got up, got ready, and headed down to Kassie’s house to meet up with the girls! We started our evening off with some Fireball, Sprite, and music videos (apparently, as you welcome 29, music videos suddenly become intriguing again).

We decided to head out to dinner and then hit up a club to shake our groove thangs!

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Laura, Gina, Kassie, and me front and center! Also, I think that may be pollen on my boob from setting up the camera.

We went to Ra Sushi to eat dinner and we were a little disappointed in our service! We started out with a nice buzz and it was totally gone by the time we finally made it out! Everything went great, but they brought my roll out first and said the entrees for the other girls would be out shortly after. Over 30 minutes later, we had no more food and our server never came back! We grabbed another server to ask what was going on and our food immediately came out after that. They did give me a free birthday dessert which was pretty awesome and it was huge, but still… the wait kind of killed our stamina. Also killing my stamina (or just my mood, whatever)- snagging the front of my dress on my bracelet. UGH.

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Dang humidity in Georgia ruins any good hair day…

After our dinner, we decided to head over to Opera. My ex-boyfriend is a bouncer there, so I was really hoping he’d be working so that I’d get a chance to see him for the first time in awhile (we get along great). Unfortunately, he wasn’t working but he did hook us up with some VIP service and a free bottle of champagne! So sweet of him! While we were walking into the club, we realized it has been ten years since I dated him! It’s really amazing how fast time has gone by!

It was 80s night at Opera which was a little hard to get into since our Fireball had already worn off long before, but we still had fun! We found some seating outside too and enjoyed the peace and quiet outside (seriously, we’re so old).

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We headed out around midnight. One of the bouncers actually stopped us to ask us why we were leaving and I actually said, “It’s getting really close to our bedtime!” and he let us go without another question. He must be able to tell we aren’t 21 anymore…

Jon picked Laura and I up after our night ended (no DUIs for me!) and I got a good night of sleep!

This morning, I had planned on going to yoga with Kass, but Jon wanted to hike. Somehow our communication got a bit discombobulated and we ended up looking at open houses all afternoon and not hiking at all. I was hoping to get a hike in since I like doing something active on all of my days off, but I think I should just be glad for an entire day off. My hip and my thumb have been hurting a little bit, so it’s probably better not to overdo it.

It was a lot of fun looking at open houses. We still aren’t in the market to buy yet, but we like browsing! Besides, it was a beautiful day to be out and driving around! We looked up near my mom and dad’s house, which was perfect cause we were going there for my birthday dinner!

I had asked for my favorite sweet potato casserole and cheesecake for my birthday meal! My parents grilled some chicken and then made a kale salad and cheesy bread too. It was a seriously delicious dinner! We enjoyed it out on the patio too since it was still so nice out! My mom gave me some cash for my birthday and wrote in the card “I owe you a chai candle when they go on sale too.” Haha. Jon and I were cracking up. My parents are definitely not hard up for money so it was hilarious that my mom would wait to get my a birthday gift till the candles go on sale. My mom and I are so similar. Jon always jokes about it but at least he know what he’ll be getting in 30 years! I had a really nice time having dinner with them, especially since it’s been awhile since we’ve been able to go over for dinner!

Jon and I got home with some daylight to spare, so I went for a walk while he took a nap for a bit. I spent some time organizing photos when I got home, and now Jon is awake! I’m sure we’ll watch some House of Cards or more prison documentaries till bedtime comes around!

Vino Venue and Gym Time

I never got called in yesterday, so I’ve had two days off work in a row! Woohoo! I’m actually off all weekend too for my birthday celebration weekend! My birthday is May 1st, but Jon and I were supposed to be going to Florida for our friend’s college graduation. Come to find out (since apparently Jon doesn’t think asking this sort of stuff in advance is necessary), his graduation is at 2pm on Sunday! I don’t know that I’ll be able to swap my Monday shift, so I may be spending my birthday weekend at home by myself.

Yesterday I was really unproductive. Aside from loading the dishwasher, I didn’t get anything else around the house done. It was sunny and warm so I broke the “CLOSED- No Sunbathing Please” sign that was on our pool and enjoyed a little warmth! Seriously, I pay $265 a month in condo fees- I’m going to sit on the pool chairs if I want to. In this fine state of Georgia, sunny days are hard to come by. I’m not passing one up when I’m off work!


I also had a fantastic full body workout at LA Fitness and then finished up some leftovers when I got home. I haven’t been going to LA Fitness nearly as much since I’ve been doing mostly ClassPass stuff, but I do miss doing my own stuff too. My hip hasn’t been hurting necessarily, but it seems like it’s stuck in its healing phase with just feeling uncomfortable still, so maybe I’ll end up needing to back off for awhile again. Also, I hit my thumb (the one that I had in a splint for three months) on the cabinet the other day and ever since, my thumb has been bothering me more. The particular injury I had has a high rate of reinjury, so I’m paranoid that this is going to get worse even though I’m really trying to be careful. I hit right in the same spot that was really irritated before though, so that’s what worries me…

Last night, I met up with a girl from work at Vino Venue, which is a wine school just down the street from our house than Jon and I had been talking about trying for the last two years. It was a good time to spend some time with a work friend and we had a red dessert wine, Brachetto d’Acqui, Banfi “Rosa Regale”, Piedmont, Italy 2013 (per the website- I don’t remember that exactly) and it was so freaking good. I’ll be honest, that may be my new favorite wine, even over the La Fantasia that Jon and I found in Napa Valley. We had a moscato too which was fantastic! Although, for $9 a glass (and $39 a bottle), the wine should be good. Regardless of the price tag, I’m actually really excited to go back there at some point and get some more wine! I wish I had snapped some pictures, but I’m not that hardcore where I’ll be snapping blog pictures with work friends. Awkward.

I got home around 8 and then Jon said he’d go get some ice cream with me. We ended up walking around the town center for awhile and then stopped into this gastropub that we’ve been talking about trying. I was full, so I didn’t eat anything. It was still fun to get out of the house for a bit with him though.

We hung out on the couch last night watching Nashville and then I headed to bed after. I woke up for Gravity this morning (via ClassPass) and was really happy to be back! I called out for my third class last month on ClassPass, so I haven’t been in over 2 weeks. The trainer said he’d add a session to this month for me though since it’s my birthday month! Woohoo! I actually love this class, so I’m glad!

Also, this morning I accidentally sent this picture to the girl from work that I hung out with last night instead of Jon:


I’m sure she was thrilled to get a cat picture from me, but I told her it was supposed to be to Jon and thankfully, it wasn’t some inappropriate naked picture of me or something (not that I typically do that first thing in the morning anyway). The cats sho’ do look cute though. I love me a sink cat.

After a stop at the grocery store and some breakfast, Jon walked in! He’s done with work early today, so hopefully we’ll get to spend a little time together this afternoon! I need to finally go get my toenails done since it’s getting warmer out and clean up our disastrous house.


Happy Wednesday! I’m on call right now, but haven’t been called in and am hoping not to! I think I’ll go enjoy the pool and then the gym before getting dinner with a girl from work!

I haven’t done a WIA-Monday or daily post in awhile, so I decided to go ahead and do one again.

I was off on Monday and started my day off with MissFits at 10am. I planned on getting up around 8:45 and eating a banana, but I rolled out of bed at 9:20, changed, and left by 9:30 to get to the gym.

We did: 800m run, 50 kettlebell swings, 100 single unders, 50 russian twists, 600m run, 40 kettlebell swings, 80 single unders, 40 russian twists, 400m run, 20 kettlebell swings, 60 single unders, 20 russian twists, 200m run, 10 kettlebell swings, 40 single unders, 10 russian twists. I finished in just under 13 minutes. I only did 20# for my KB swings since I had done a ton of them last Thursday and Friday (like, well over 100) and thought I’d get too tired doing a heavier weight… But 20# was probably too light. And I did 15# for the russian twists, which was also too light.

I came home and threw together some breakfast:


Protein pancakes made with two scoops of chocolate Orgain protein powder, three eggs, and about 1/2 baked sweet potato. Covered in pure, organic maple syrup. Smoothie made with a large handful of spinach, carrot juice, two oranges, about 3/4c of strawberries, and 1/2 frozen banana. I finished all of it.


Keurig coffee, sweetened with maple syrup and I use AtlantaFresh grassfed heavy whipping cream as my creamer. Also take note of my creepy reflection in the computer.

I had planned on heading out to the pool and running errands after, but the weather was looking a bit gloomy even though it was supposed to be 75 and sunny! I cleaned up a bit and started laundry and dishes, took a short nap (like, 10 minutes), and then Jon called and told me there was a tornado watch. I decided to watch some TV to wait out the storm, and then Jon got home around 4, just as my trash TV show was ending. I was itching to get out of the house since I spent almost all day inside and I can’t spend an entire day in the house. I have to get out at some point during the day!

We both headed out to Target to run some errands. The weather really cleared up nicely, so we went to a park near Jon’s hospital to find a running trail somebody at work had told him about! While the trail was rained out, we did discover an awesome fitness area made out of wood and metal poles! They had dip bars, pull up bars, a sit up area, and all this other stuff set up in a circuit. We went for a run of a little under a mile on the street since some 420 celebrators wanted to come hang out on our fitness equipment.

I went from not being hungry at all to starving during our run! We got home at 8 and started dinner. Also, I tend not to go from 11:30 until 8 without eating, but my days off are usually all over the place with eating. I tend to always eat a bigger meal right after working out, but then I don’t eat a ton otherwise. (Keep in mind, I’m super small and 100lbs, so I don’t really require as much food as normal people.)


Some whole wheat tortilla and AtlantaFresh tzatziki sauce. I know this picture is a mess. It was in the middle of my prep area for dinner.

I was beyond hungry, so I ate a snack while Jon and I made dinner. I actually never buy bread products, but on Sunday night after work, I was having a serious craving for tzatziki sauce, so we bought this sauce and I got some pitas and carrots to dip into it. Honestly, not that good at all. I don’t actually enjoy eating bread much and the sauce was nowhere near as good as the tzatziki at Greek restaurants!


Stir fry made with chicken, a green and yellow pepper, broccoli, carrots, and water chestnuts. All organic. I cooked it in coconut oil and coconut aminos- no other seasoning.

I used to eat stir fry a ton, but Jon has never had mine. That was also our first time using coconut aminos and while we used 1/2 bottle of it, it was actually really good! Very nice flavor, especially in the broccoli!

I was still hungry after that…


Orange. Not organic. I don’t typically buy organic if it has a thick skin.

I finally hopped in the shower after dinner. And then, while we watched House of Cards, I had my nightly snack.


I literally eat a handful or two of these every night. I love them and I’m so used to this chocolate that I don’t really enjoy other chocolate much anymore.

I was in bed by 11 and asleep by 1 to get up the next morning at 5:20 for work! I was actually kind of hungry while I was trying to fall asleep, so I guess going so long without eating during the day probably wasn’t the best. Oh well. I don’t like eating when I’m not hungry and I wasn’t hungry all day.

Trying to Get Pregnant

I’ve thought a lot about whether or not I should make this post or not, but I decided to for a few reasons.

Jon and I have been trying to get pregnant over the last 2 months. Although I still am not 100% on board with a baby because I have really never wanted kids, I know that we’re going to have them one day. I feel like counting down the time till we have one is like counting down till the end of my life. Since we’re in a financially able place, we decided to go ahead and start trying. We will adjust our lives to having a baby and I’m sure once the baby pops out, I will get on board with it. (Everybody, save your “If you don’t really want one, just wait!” advice. I will NEVER “really want one” and people told me that when I was 16 too. Jon and I made this decision together and we’re going to go through with it, even if I’m dreading the days where I can’t sleep in, take trips to Europe, and leave my house in less than 5 minutes.)

I know that getting pregnant isn’t easy for everybody and that people tend to hide their pregnancy until the second trimester because of the higher risk of miscarriage in the first trimester. Nobody I know in person reads this blog, so I’m not really concerned that all of the sudden, everybody I see on a daily basis will be asking about our future baby (although, people already are and we aren’t even expecting).

I think if we do have a hard time getting pregnant or we do have a miscarriage or we have a completely successful pregnancy, a lot of people have been through any one of those scenarios. I’m usually an open book and will tell people whatever they ask me, so I’m just going to be open and honest on here. I blog for me- not for everybody else, so there is no reason not to discuss my actual feelings about something. If I’m disappointed, then that is the message I’ll send. If I feel ambivalent, then I’ll tell you. If I’m ecstatic, the whole world will know.

We decided to start trying while I was in Texas. Jon finally got a job figured out so that he’d be working more and I just started wondering what we’re really waiting for. I’m nearing 30 and although I could wait till I finish grad school or Jon finishes his bachelor’s degree, there will always be something else on the horizon that we want to complete. So why not do it now? I make everything work out, no matter what else is going on. And if grad school doesn’t work out for me, I still make plenty of money to live comfortably right now and I can always go back later (but I plan on finishing).

Once I got home from Texas, I had just ended a period (my period was exactly 28 days from the second one I had in January). We basically tried to “make a baby” every second or third night. Because my period has never been 100% back to normal since going off birth control in November, tracking anything is difficult. I have had a period every single month since being off the pill, but I had two periods in January and one at the end of February (I have no clue when the others were, but know for sure that I had one right after my birth control ended and one a month from then, whatever date that was). Towards the end of March, I started feeling nauseous but it would get better when I ate. I didn’t feel like I was pregnant, but I felt off. I have a sensitive body though, so I tend to feel off if my diet and activity level isn’t right on. Then I got my period, exactly 28 days after my last one. I was actually pretty disappointed about it and was hoping we would just get pregnant in our first month of trying (like everybody else in my family), but it didn’t happen.

This month, I invested in an ovulation test stick thing. I wanted to make sure I was even ovulating and then I didn’t feel like we had to “make a baby” all the time. My “YES- YOU ARE OVULATING!” (it just says “yes”) popped up on the 9th, and I’m now due for my period sometime this week, if it comes around 28 days from my last one. I still don’t feel pregnant (I feel like I should have some sort of intuition), so I think I’m going to end up getting my period. I don’t have my hopes up like last month, but I think I’ll still be a little disappointed if I’m not pregnant.

I think the most frustrating part of this is just not really knowing if we’ll be able to get pregnant. I’ve had a lot of female issues (not ones that would cause difficulty with pregnancy- but thickened skin cells causing tons of issues and I had two biopsies- one wrong site biopsy- and I finally had surgery after 8 years of dealing with it- and could probably use it again) so I just feel like this is going to be a hassle since my female parts like to cause problems. And I was on birth control for exactly 10 years, so I hope everything is in good working order!

I’ll keep everybody updated on this!

Weekly Updates: ClassPass, Dogwood Festival, Trip Planning

It’s been over a week since I did a life update! How did you all live without knowing what was going on in my life?!?! Kidding!

Remember how I ended up with my crown falling out and a UTI? After spending all week feeling nauseous and having a sore throat, I broke out in hives on Friday! I was having a serious wtf is going on with my body moment! I managed to get some steroids from work the next day and that helped immensely and by the end of the day, I was better. But really, I think I had an immune system crash.

Last Friday night, Jon and I went to the Braves Home Opener! I’d like to say I got some fun pictures from the night, but honestly, after breaking out in hives, taking Benadryl before the game, and then having a two hour rain delay (which also dropped the temp and I was freezing), I was not really feeling super ecstatic about being there! We left after the 5th inning since it was late and I was so tired from the Benadryl! I’m actually super excited about it being baseball season though and going to some more games! It’s a little sad going to games, since 1/2 the team has been traded since last season and we no longer have Kimbrel as our closer, but I’m sure it’ll still be a lot of fun! I’m trying to soak in Turner Field while I can since the stadium is moving in 2017!

On Saturday, Jon and I went to the Dogwood Festival (a big art festival) with Crista and Billy! I’ve gone plenty of times in the past, but this year was crazy! It was miserably crowded and it was actually really hot out! Unfortunately, since we met up with friends, we didn’t get to browse through the art tents like I was hoping to do. Instead, we walked around a bunch and then found some chairs to sit in and people watch.

piedmont park

Piedmont Park, Atlanta. Love my city.



After we finished with our festivities, we had Mexican food and then Crista and I went and sat by her pool after getting back to her apartment. It was a seriously beautiful night out and I was so happy to just be sitting outside.


Sunday morning, I went to a MissFits class (a ladies only CrossFit-esque class) via ClassPass. It was a really good workout and I really enjoyed it! That afternoon, Jon and I stopped by my parent’s house and started some planning for our Eurotrip and then headed to our friend Andreina’s baby shower! I had a really good time there and have enjoyed meeting a few of her friends at the last few things she’s had at her house! Very nice girls! After the baby shower, we came home to jump into some more trip planning!


This past week has been a busy one! I worked Monday, ran errands and cleaned up on Tuesday, did another ClassPass class at Hard Exercise Works (CrossFit type workout), worked Wednesday, spent the night with my parent’s on Wednesday cause Jon has a friend in town, worked Thursday till 4ish and went to CrossFit last night, and now it’s Friday morning!

I went to another MissFits class today and now my upper body is smoked after two days of big upper body CrossFit stuff!



I had planned on doing my favorite Cardio Muscle Mix tomorrow, but I don’t know if my upper body can take it! I think I may end up canceling and going to have a leg day at LA Fitness! I’m meeting up with Kassie and Gina in the morning for a bridesmaids dress shopping day and hopefully we’ll all spend some more time together in the afternoon! Definitely can’t wait to have some time with my girls!

Anyway, my plans for the day are boring. GTL. I kid. I’m going to run to LA Fitness to cancel Jon’s membership, hit up Costco for some more protein powder, and then head to Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods. Jon’s friend is still in town and they’re going out tonight for some dinner and drinks, so I’m thinking I may just have a low key night at home. I’m deciding if I want to make an effort to go out and do anything this evening, but it’s dreary and a night on the couch with my cats sounds nice!


I know it’s not healthy to be fat, but this Tom Tom breathes so loud 24/7, probably cause his fat is squishing his trachea, and it just melts my little heart to listen to his kitty grunts all the time. #crazycatlady

Orgain Protein Powder

I’m totally not a product reviewer normally. At all. But I’m going to do it because I think this one is worth it.

I have never been a protein powder person in my life. I’ve bought a few here and there (and used mass gainers after breakups cause I always lost a ton of weight) and I’ve tried my fair share of them. However, I’m always really turned off by the long ingredient lists and because I think actually eating real food is important, I tend to stay away from all things prepackaged.

I decided to buy this creamy chocolate fudge Orgain protein powder when I saw it for $29.99 at Costco (after considering it for about a month). I figured that for such a cheap price, it wasn’t a huge loss if I didn’t finish it (I have never ever finished a whole canister before) and if I hated it, I could return it to Costco anyway.


(This image is clearly not mine- it was taken from orgain.com)

I was really not impressed much with my first glass. I had mixed it with milk (I occasionally drink Grassmilk now) and thought it was super chalky and not very good. It reminded me of a disgusting hemp one that I bought a long time ago from Whole Foods that I never finished.

But after having hard gym days and feeling like my post-gym meal wasn’t substantial enough, I decided to try it again. I can stomach it now with just milk (I tend to use very little milk and 1-2 scoops and then just chug it down). I made a smoothie with it the other day with ice and milk and it was actually not bad. And I’ve been mixing it with one baked sweet potato, 2 scoops and protein powder, and 3-4 eggs and then making pancakes with it.

I’m impressed. I’ve always been really turned off of protein because of the bloated feeling I get after them, but this one doesn’t do that. It took me a few tries to be sure of that (I rarely get bloated after my first meal of the day, so I wanted to wait till I had it later on in the day), but I haven’t noticed any bloating or feeling gross (technical term there) after having it and the canister is almost empty. It also makes really delicious pancakes, despite the protein powder not being my favorite.

The only downfall is that it’s $39.99 online (but is sold out on the website) and Costco doesn’t have the vanilla flavor, so I can only have the chocolate. Also, I know the flavor isn’t my favorite, but I actually read a ton of reviews online of people who thought the flavor was great, so it could just be me. I’ll take the chalky flavor though because it has the least amount of ingredients I’ve seen in awhile and I can get it for cheap at Costco. I love that it doesn’t make me feel bloated too. I will definitely be keeping this stocked in my pantry from here on out and I’m so glad there are organic companies out there that want to make products that aren’t so terrible for you.

Check out the website to see other products, ingredients, and where to buy this product. ORGAIN


I’ve been slacking on the blogs later (sorry guys, life happens- and I know nobody really misses me that much)!

Aside from working a ton, Jon and I have been planning a trip! I randomly look up how many SkyMiles it would take to get to Iceland and Europe just out of curiosity every once in awhile. Typically, flights are about 120,000 miles and let me tell you, I’ve been saving up my miles for a long time so that I’d get a free flight out of the country at some point!

I was at work the other week on a slow morning and found that flights to Amsterdam were only 77,000 miles which is incredibly low! The next night, Jon and I went out to have a few drinks (I’m getting crazy in my old age!) and we started talking about how fun it would be to finally take our trip to Amsterdam! Once we got home that night, flights to Amsterdam had gone down to 60,000 points! There was no way I could pass that up! We had a total of 113,000 points in our bank, so we bought another 8,000 points for $300 and scored to flights to Amsterdam for just over $500 (we had to pay taxes and fees too).

Guys! TWO FLIGHTS TO EUROPE FOR $500! Back in 2007, I paid about $750 for a flight to Zurich, Switzerland and that is the only flight I’ve ever gotten for under $1100 to go out of the country. This is a big deal!!!!

We’re leaving next month, so we’ve been spending our evenings trying to plan! We have the rental car booked and three nights in Munich booked, but still have the other nights to plan out. I had to put a rush on my passport since I had never changed my name on it and am eagerly awaiting my fresh little blue book!

Our plan is to explore Amsterdam and surrounding cities, head to Bruges (Belgium), and then head into Germany. We’ll stop in Cologne briefly and explore in Frankfurt, do a few days in Munich and visit Dachau (I’m skipping Auschwitz so I hope Dachau lives up to my concentration camp expectations), drive down the Romantic Road and stop in some picturesque German towns, stay in the Alps in Garmisch and take a cable car to the top of one of the mountains (!!!!!!!!), head down to Innsbruck (Austria) for a day, see Hitler’s Eagles Nest (who knew the views were so incredible!) and explore the surrounding area, spend the night in Salzburg, stop through Nuremberg, visit Berlin, and then head back to Amsterdam. I am so stoked about Bavaria and being the Alps! I was awestruck when I took a train through the Swiss Alps and have wanted to go back ever since!

I can’t wait to be back in Europe for a few weeks! I miss being out of the country and have been wanting to go to Germany for years! While I’m a bit sad that I’m having to sacrifice Iceland this year (no way can I do two big trips in one year), I’m just going to have to set my mind to making it there another time. Iceland is still #1, but they didn’t have flights for 60,000 points and sometimes, money does the decision making. Regardless, Jon and I are super stoked, and we’ll be there over our one year wedding anniversary (or 16 month real marriage anniversary) and this was actually the “honeymoon” that we had planned on taking back when we first got married.

Women in the House

Do you ever think about the role of women these days? There’s no secret that in our household, just as it was when I was little, that I run the house. I clean the bathrooms and the floors. I keep the fridge cleaned out of expired items. I make sure the cats litterbox is scooped and changed, that the cats get fresh water daily, and that their feeder never runs out.  I keep our bills paid. I manage our money 100% and decide what goes into savings and what goes into checking. I know when automatic withdrawals will come out and for how much. I’m the one who did our taxes and sat on the phone with the Department of Revenue. I keep our fridge stocked. If I don’t go grocery shopping, it doesn’t get done. I decide what we’re having for all of our meals. I gather our trash twice a week and get all our recycling together once a week. I pick up the house on a nighty basis and make sure things get put away. I do all of our dishes. I change out our toilet paper (really, how does Jon never end up changing out the toilet paper?). I run all our errands and make sure that we don’t ever run out of paper towels or toilet paper. I manage our insurance, from changing over his Jeep on our car insurance to comparing healthcare plans.

Jon checks the mail, fills the litterbox after I empty it, and takes our trash and recycling from the front door to the curb. Those are “his jobs.” He will almost always complete a to-do list if I leave one for him on his days off, which usually has just a couple of things- typically doing a load of laundry (which never gets folded) and unloading the dishwasher.

At the same time, I work anywhere from 36-60 hours a week and spend about 4-5 hours a week at the gym. I also used to do the same thing while in school (thankfully, this is an off year from school- but it’ll start back up in the fall!). Actually, on Monday night, Jon got home after working a 13 hour day. He was a bit snippety with me and commented, “I just need to decompress! I just worked for 13 hours!” It was hard to take pity on the poor soul since I work 12 hour days 98% of the days I work and Jon rarely works more hours than I do in a week. (I work a lot though.)

While I would love it if Jon would magically notice a mess and decide to clean up on his own, or start folding laundry when it’s done in the dryer and put it away without me asking him, I know those things won’t happen. I accept it and love him just the same. I take pride in the fact that I keep everything together and that he always has clean scrubs because of me. But there is a lot to do all the time.

I actually feel guilty if I sit on the couch and watch TV all day and don’t get anything around the house done. (For the record, even on my laziest of days off, I still almost always do laundry and go grocery shopping.) On weekends that I work, I won’t leave a to-do list two days in a row for Jon. I’ll always give him a full day for whatever he wants to do. But I “take a day off” maybe once a moth, if that.

While cleaning the kitchen this morning, I was thinking about how the role of women has really expanded. We were typically the “homemakers” in the past, but I think that for the most part, we still are. Except now most women are working too. So there’s a ton on our plates and we still manage to keep up with it all. (By the way, I definitely know families where the man runs the house, but I still don’t think it seems to be as common.) I have no idea how my mom used to work full time, have three kids, make dinner every night, and keep our house clean all the time.

Anyway, I’m actually off to go clean up the bathrooms and do the floors again! I’ve been dusting and picking up all morning! I had planned on going to the pool for a bit, but Jon took the pool key to work with him (WTF.) so I can’t get in. I’m going to CrossFit at either 5:30 or 6:30 tonight. It’s been five days since I’ve worked out due to not feeling well at all over the last few days, but I think I’m back to normal now!

Monday Ramblings: Sick Days

Happy Monday! Mondays are usually my Gravity (total body gym) day, but this morning I wasn’t feeling well, so I had to cancel! My gym days aren’t happening quite so well lately! I went to the gym on Friday and had an awesome full body workout that left me sore (still), so I wasn’t too concerned over the weekend, but I’m hoping to feel well enough to go to LA Fitness later this afternoon.

Despite my UTI on Friday night, I still had a great day Saturday! I didn’t get a ton of sleep through the night so I ended up skipping The Color Run and just meeting all the girls for lunch in Atlanta around 11. The food was decent and the company was good! And it was a beautiful day!

In the afternoon, Laura and I tried to go consign some of my clothes from when I cleaned out my closet, but it’s harder than you’d think. So we just drank coffee on a patio and called it a day!

I headed to my mom and dad’s for about an hour in the evening. I was feeling pretty tired from not sleeping well the night before, so it was a quick visit, followed by an evening spent on my couch watching TV.

Yesterday was a work day. Jon was finally back in town last night (although it had only been two nights), so we went grocery shopping together and made our salmon dinner. For some reason, after I finished eating my fish, I felt disgustingly full. I don’t even know the last time I’ve been full (I’ll get tired of what I’m eating before I get full) but it was miserable. And I felt nauseous and just kind of off. We finished two episodes of House of Cards and I wasn’t feeling any better at all. I felt like my food wasn’t even digesting! Jon felt totally fine, so I don’t think it was any of the ingredients.

I woke up in the middle of the night feeling like I was going to throw up. I decided to take some Zofran since I was tired of sitting in my bathroom waiting to vomit, which helped and I was able to get back to sleep!

I called out of the gym this morning (hopefully they won’t charge me) and stayed in bed till 11:30. Part of the reason I wasn’t motivated to get up was because my to-do list for the day is miserable. I have to call the Department of Revenue for GA and OR because it has been 7 weeks since they received my taxes, but I still don’t have my refund! I also had to call my health insurance company, go to the post office so I can expedite my name change on my password, update our car insurance, and clean the house. BORING.

(By the way, the Department of Revenue said that somebody tried to hack into Turbotax, so now they have randomly selected people to audit and they HAVE TO CALL and speak with them before they release their refund. Apparently, I was selected, but 118 people are waiting to speak with them and they can’t even transfer my call now and I have to call back. WTF. I didn’t even file with Turbotax! And I was on hold for 15 minutes to find that out and they can’t give you a direct number to call back, you just have to be transferred. Please just shoot me now.)

I think I’ve had one of those weeks where everything is a downer! My crown fell out on Monday night and I had to take Tuesday morning off work to have it put back in (however, all the issues I had with my crown are completely gone!!! after 3 years, I can actually eat on that side of my mouth!), I got a UTI and missed the 5k, I felt sick last night, I couldn’t find my ClassPass class on Thursday! I also think my throat is getting infected again, but the antibiotic I’m on for my UTI isn’t one that’ll work for my throat… Fortunately, all my work days have been really good so at least I don’t have terrible workdays on top of that!

Maybe I just needed to complain today! A little woe is me session. Really, my week hasn’t been that bad at all. But maybe all those hours I’ve worked have taken a toll on my immune system. I guess I’ll eat some oranges. Aside from all the little hiccups, things are still definitely going well! I’ll be especially happy if I can manage to stomach some food this morning so that I can make it to the gym later today, but eating sounds really less than appealing right now.