Blairsville Cabin Weekend

It’s a beautiful day in Georgia today! I am loving this weather! I also enjoyed a wonderful weekend too! Jon’s sister and brother-in-law (Brad and Rebecca) came with our niece and nephew for the weekend for a trip to my parent’s cabin! We headed out on Friday afternoon.

Our first stop was in Dahlonega, just to show them the town. (My college town.)


We went to an antique shop and then headed north to Vogel State Park to see Trahlyta Falls. We had a picnic outside but it was really windy and really cold! Not nearly as enjoyable as we had hoped! But the falls were still neat to see and at least blocked us from the wind a bit!

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We headed to the cabin after to drop things off and then went to buy groceries and eat at an all you can eat pizza buffet where I killed some dessert pizza. And then regretted it. Once the kids were in bed, we played some Scrabble and enjoyed the adult time.

Saturday morning we headed out to the highest point in Georgia, Brasstown Bald. I hadn’t been there in awhile but remember that the walk up is pretty steep. It’s only 6/10 of a mile (paved- it’s touristy), but typically it takes a few stops for people to make it to the top. It’s the first time I’ve noticed what wonders walking inclines at the gym has done for me! I gave Zoe a piggyback ride and still was barely short of breath climbing up the hill. It was insanely windy at the top and I’m pretty sure kids don’t really enjoy the beauty of nature at that age, but I was glad to see the top again!

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After our climb, we went to a boutique in Young Harris and then went to Fatz for dinner. Not many options up in Blairsville for good places to eat! The kids went to bed shortly after getting back so we played Scrabble and Rummy and it was a great time! I really love spending time with them (we stay with them when we go to Florida) and it was nice to just have some grown up time for a few hours!

We ended up heading back home on Sunday morning, which was a day earlier than we planned. Since Brad and Rebecca had afternoon plans, I was able to make it to Whole Foods and the gym! I’ve been following people on Instagram for workout ideas. My new favorite is tishajonesy. It helps with ideas for what I can do with my hip while I can’t squat and she just has some great moves otherwise. I was so happy to get in the gym though and I spent the entire hour there with my heart rate above 170- just walking inclines for 25 full minutes and then moving onto a few leg exercises. I went for a little drive and enjoyed the beautiful weather before heading home again.

We had some sushi and then hung out around the house. I caught up on laundry and Tom decided to just steal my little heart with his cuteness.


This morning, I hung out with the kids and everybody just packed up to go a few minutes ago. I’m planning on getting some cooking done this morning for the week (my butternut squash/sweet potato casserole, eggplant parmesan, and a chicken/veggie soup) and then heading to the gym this afternoon. I’d really like to get some outside time in since it’s going to be 63 and sunny today! I need to renew my Stone Mountain annual pass too at some point so I can start hiking it with my pack.

I think later tonight I’m going to have girl time with Kassie and hopefully Gina, and I hope to catch up on the Bachelor too. Jon left me at home the other night for a few hours and I decided to turn on the TV (I never watch TV anymore other than my one hour of Parenthood a week) and somehow got hooked on the Bachelor.

Alright, everybody have a good day!