Tonight Jon and I had set up to have a double date with Brad and Rebecca at Indochine in Jacksonville! After he and I spent the afternoon going for a 2.5 mile run at the beach (totally feeling under the weather and it was 20 degrees hotter than my running weather for the last few months!) and then trying to find out where one of his Army forms is, we made it back to his sister’s to get ready. Rebecca and Brad started dating shortly before Jon and I did five years ago, but were married really quickly and then had our favorite niece, Zoe, and nephew, Slade. We have stayed with them for the last several years and I just love their family!

Anyway, tonight we all left at different times. Brad and Becca had to drop the kids off at the sitter’s house, so Jon and I went to a park in Jackosnville until they were ready to meet us for our double date (by the way, first double date in like, four years, so we were thrilled!). We had been walking around enjoying the scenery, and after a few futile attempts to get him to walk across one of the bridges over the St John’s River, I gave up. Finally, Rebecca called to tell me that her and Brad were on their way, so we turned to go back to the car and head over to Indochine.

As we were walking back, Jon stopped me. I knew that Jon had my engagement ring at our house somewhere and lately he has been messing with me as we’re out and saying things like, “I have a question for you,” implying that he’s going to propose but totally messing with me! He actually did it after I went running at the beach this morning! So, as he stopped me, I just go, “Stop, you’re so annoying!” cause I figured he was messing around again. Then he got on one knee… I’m still totally not convinced and then he pulls out the ring! Then I say, “Oh my god, you have the ring!” and Jon says,

“Yeah, will you marry me?”

And then, with all my romanticism and rainbows, I say, “I thought you were fucking with me!” And then of course, I said yes. I don’t even swear much. I was just really caught that off guard! I had a few tears and then he pointed out Rebecca standing over in the trees capturing the moment. I haven’t seen the photos yet but am very excited! A few onlookers clapped for us and Brad honked the horn from the car and Zoe came running over! We took a few more photos and then Brad and Rebecca really did go drop the kids off and Jon and I made our phone calls and went to the restaurant a little early.

We didn’t eat at Indochine, but I had two glasses of wine and 1 1/2 glasses of champagne tonight, so the name of the restaurant escapes me. We had a nice, fancy dinner with good wine and good food and I was really extremely grateful that Brad and Rebecca were there. They have been there monthly through almost every step of our relationship, and even when Jon and I were broken up, I still kept in contact with Rebecca. Her and Brad are what I expect a loving marriage to be and I have always felt welcome in their house, so it was really just a perfect ending to the best day ever.

Although I don’t have the actual proposal pictures yet, I have these:


This one of Zoe doing her makeup with me and Slade playing in the bathroom, which is a daily occurrence when we visit and I love it.


The happy engaged couple!



The ring! I have wanted this ring for the last 4 1/2 years, since the first time we were together!


Some photos from Rebecca from our cheers-ing!

After dinner, we came home and popped a bottle of champagne and then relaxed. I got a nice foot massage and now Jon and I are about to get a nice night of sleep before we enjoy our last full day in Florida and our first full day as an engaged couple! Goodnight, everybody!!!

WIAW (From Monday, posted on Friday) and house stuff!

This is my first WIAMonday (posted on Friday, whatever!).


Breakfast was leftover sweet potatoes from Thanksgiving, a kiwi, and Pumpkin Spice coffee with french vanilla coconut creamer. This was around 11:30 since I slept in too late. Oops.


Around noon, I decided I wanted bacon. I normally prefer the 365 brand bacon from Whole Foods (all my bacon is nitrate/nitrite free- the health of my colon is important) but they were out so this was some other brand that was far too salty.


Thought about running. Nope. Not yet. Too dreary. Kept on studying.


Pre run snack around 3:30. Those are paper thin crackers and goat cheese and basil pesto that they mixed for me at Whole Foods. So good.


I ended up running 4 miles in 37 minutes and some seconds. Post run around 5, I had some herb roasted turkey (three slices, sliced thick per stack) with cut up apples, some leftover homemade cranberry sauce, and brie as my little Thanksgiving snacks. Then I ate some gluten free mac & cheese with shredded cheddar on top.


Busy studying so I didn’t want to cook. Around 7, ate some honey Noosa yogurt. It’s expensive, but guys, this is the best yogurt ever. I’ve converted many people at work, even yogurt haters.


One macaroon. These are from Whole Foods too (I’ve never seen them anywhere else). They are so freaking good. Made with all real ingredients and are so cocounuty and delicious.


Around 8:30, Jon talked me into making portabella mushroom pizza things. I bake a big portabella, topped with basil pesto, spaghetti sauce, goat cheese, and parmesan. I ended up only eating 5-6 bites of this because one of the mushrooms had gone bad (and they were new!) in the package so Jon and I shared it.


I think I went to bed around 11. I studied pretty much all day long. These were the babies that greeted me in bed. Fluff and Tom.

And there you have it. I actually do try not to eat so much dairy, but I’ve increased my dairy intake lately. I’m going to have to  decrease it because despite how much fiber I eat, dairy just doesn’t seem to keep things flowing regularly, you know? I wasn’t sensitive to it before, but I cut dairy out other than cheese in my eggs for months and months, so my body doesn’t handle it as well anymore. Shame, because it’s delicious. And I also typically don’t eat pasta or breads at all, but lately I’ll eat small servings of gluten free pasta occasionally (maybe 1-2x per month). I was going to do a WIAW on Wednesday so it would be a work day, but I was so slammed at work that it never happened.

I took my final last night in my biology lecture class.  I guess it went well? I’m not sure. Then I drove in the pouring rain to get my dad’s car (Ford Escape) so Jon and I could pick up our wood for the floors this morning. It was pouring all the way back and I never drive my dad’s car! I borrow my mom’s if mine or Jon’s goes into the shop so it was hard to get used to that gigantic thing. Thankfully we decided to get his car, because 44 boxes of wood was a tight squeeze even in that tank this morning!

We have all our wood for the floors! Jon made his first cut into the carpet last night!


We both got nervous after he did it! I can’t believe we’re installing our own floors next weekend! I’m so thankful that his brother owned a flooring company and is coming to help us and bring all his tools! I don’t have any actual before photos, which I had wanted to get. Unfortunately, the house is loaded with 44 boxes of wood now, so it’s not accurate if I take them. I have a few that I can post later on to compare though! I plan on painting at the end of the month and we should be getting our couches after the floors are in! I just have to find some rugs!

Anyway, I spent the day napping today and swapping out cars! I had planned on returning our wood samples (since we had to pay $35 to bring them home) but thought my computer final was due at 6pm so I turned around to come do it. Turns out, it was supposed to be proctored on campus this week but I had no idea, so now I have to pay $17 to have it proctored online. Dumb.

My leg feels much better to either run or go to the gym, but honestly, this dreary weather for the last week has killed my motivation. I have no reason not to go to the gym other than I just don’t feel like it. I don’t even feel guilty about it. The weather forecast is showing showers for the next 10 days except for on Wednesday (mostly sunny) which I am not happy about at all. The weather affects my mood (I could never live in Seattle!) quite a bit, so I don’t do well with weeks of rain at a time, which by the way, is how our entire summer was this year! It was miserable!

I do feel like my body is shrinking into nothing and I need to start lifting weights again seriously. I’m seriously considering CrossFit again now. My thumb is noticeable when I lift weights, but other than that, I have no pain at all with gripping things to open them. If I keep a soft splint on while working out, I think I’d be fine. I just can’t lift heavy anymore, but I’m okay with that. I just have to find a decent price for it.

Anyway, I need to go make some of my pad thai now cause I’m working all weekend. Jon left for drill today! I was sad to see him go, but I’m sure I’ll enjoy some quiet time after work tomorrow and Sunday night! Tonight my friend is babysitting a 5 month old so I’m going to go stop over for a visit just to get out of the house for a bit and see her! Have a good weekend, everybody!


New couches and the start of my run goals!

I’ve had a busy day! I spent the morning buying couches! I fell in love with an off white couch! It was the perfect shape, perfect size, good price, and I loved it! But I talked myself out of it because, well, a white couch?! There is a 5 year warranty where they will come out to clean any stains on your couch though… and Jon and I aren’t particularly messy people, but it just seems like white fabric as a main couch would wear fairly quickly. So I went with a gray couch, which I also really like except the sides are squared and not rounded. This really caused me a dilemma at the store. Thankfully, Laura was with me to walk around the furniture store 1000 times and sit on the couches repeatedly and send Jon pictures. I also bought a chair because I want to buy two sitting chairs (like, designed chairs- not sofa chairs) for each side of the couch. So one down. I like what I bought, but if I hate it, I can always return it and we aren’t picking them up till the 28th, so it gives us time to think more about it and hopefully get Jon’s opinion in person. But they had 20% off of everything there today because of Black Friday, so I had to jump on it. And I think I’m feeling good about my decision. Jon and I picked out the floors yesterday too, so now I just have to call to order them. We got a deal on them too which is really awesome since I found out I need 5 buckets of glue and each bucket is $180. (Please kill me now.) But Jon talked to his brother again today and he is still planning on coming to help install the floors, so all this is really happening!

After making it back home (a few hours later), I realized that today is December 1st! My running goals were going to start in December so I had to get on it! I have decided that my goal is at least 15 miles a week. I want to increase how much I go to the gym, but no set goals on that as of now. After running to the grocery store, I went for a 4.75 mile run (43:something). I felt like dying the entire beginning of the run and just felt like my breathing was off the whole time. It was kind of chilly and I think my lung capacity sucks (I had it tested once and it was 70%… they made me repeat it like 4 times but I never got out of the 70s), so it was rough. But I thought I was only doing maybe 4 miles so I was surprised to see 4.75. Good start to a 15 mile week.

I have finals to study for but I can’t do it! The Holiday is on and I’m about to make some dinner! Jon was called in right before I got home from my run, so I think he could be gone for most of the evening. So it’s just me and I always feel like I need to take advantage of nights alone with my girl shows/movies.

I think I might try a WIAM tomorrow. I can’t do a WIAW because I work Wednesday and don’t feel like taking pictures of my food at work and will probably forget about it at 5am. Not that anybody cares what I eat. But it could be fun. Or maybe not because I hate adding pictures to my blog. Okay, whatever, have a good night!

Happy Thanksgiving!

This has turned out to be a good Thanksgiving this year! I slept in until 10 and it was wonderful! I had planned on making it to my parent’s house earlier in the day but ended up being in no rush whatsoever! We did make it by about noon and Annie just woke up not much earlier so it worked out just fine!

Jon and I decided to make this pineapple soufflé for Thanksgiving. We weren’t going to make anything since my parents were making plenty of food, but I saw that recipe the other day and thought it might be the same pineapple recipe a girl at work made last year at Thanksgiving that was delicious (and looked like vomit but who cares?!). It turned out really well and everybody really liked it!


I won’t show you all of our other boring Thanksgiving food because that’s boring. What Jon and I made is probably more exciting. Jon and I cuddled up on the couch together and took a nap. This is my off week on my birth control so I was probably definitely more emotional than usual. Luckily Jon’s a good sport and just ignored my bad mood. Mom finished up cooking and then it was dinner time! After we ate dinner, we were all lazing around and my mom forced us to get up and do something (oh the similarities between my mother and me). We ended up playing Spoons and Scrabble and some other game that wasn’t much fun. We were about to start an exciting game of the Dictionary game but Jon got called into work. It was already about 8:30, so after hanging out for a bit, I headed home too.

I’m feeling pretty full and disgusting of foods filled with butter and sugar! Tomorrow morning I’m hiking with my sisters! I’m glad, and I think I may end up going for a run tomorrow night. I may get together with a few high school friends in the evening but am not positive quite yet. I’m really enjoying having time to spend with Jon for once so I’m not really wanting to do a whole lot! And after being so busy with school and work, I kind of like having a few days where I don’t have to do anything. I think that makes me lame or antisocial or something. I’m not sure. And I don’t really care.

Anyway, I’m going to head off to bed. I’m tired and cold and need to wake up to clean up the house in the morning!


Family time!

I feel like I won the lottery because last night, Jon fell asleep at 9something and I got to catch up on Parenthood! Tonight, he fell asleep again at 9something, so I forced him into bed and have the house all to myself! I love him, but I also love my me time! I should be studying, but I need a break.

I woke up fairly early today and considered running, but decided against it. It was in the low 30s when I woke up anyway, so that’s not really enticing, although I actually don’t mind running in the cold weather as long as it isn’t cloudy and dreary (which it definitely was!). Besides, I had already kind of realized that this would be mostly an off week from the gym and running because of having family here. Oh well!

I got to spend time this afternoon with Annie and Tank!


That kid has no interest in pictures at all! My mom, Annie, and Tank all came over to my house. Annie hasn’t been in town since I bought it and it was nice to get their input on my floors! I’ve decided to go with a darker wood and paint the house a lighter gray color. I’m still a little nervous because of how dark it is in here and I don’t want it to seem super small! But I do love dark wood. Jon said he’s fine with whatever (glad the organization of the fridge is so important but he lacks input on the floors for the entire house!). We headed over to The Sugar Shack  which is pretty much my new favorite little coffee place (along with The White Windmill). The Sugar Shack has such good pumpkin muffins! And since I’m eating whatever I want this week, I’m eating pumpkin muffins too. And sandwiches. And lots of coffee.

My family headed home and I started studying. Jon heated up some of my mom’s chili for me for dinner! I think I’m going to finally learn how to make it. My mom has been making the exact same recipe since we were little, so it’s our winter staple. It’s nice to throw something in the microwave to eat too.

My oldest sister and her fiance came in town tonight! I would love to go see them tomorrow, but I may be studying for my test. I haven’t really decided yet. I really can’t wait until the day when I no longer have to consider school. Even when I’m done with my bachelor’s in May, I’ll still have grad school looming overhead! Anyway, I work all day Wednesday and really am wishing I hadn’t picked up the shift since I want to spend time with the family. Ah well! Such is life!

Time to go enjoy some of my TV while I have it all to myself!

Nephew and sister time!

What an exhausting weekend! After Jon made me breakfast yesterday morning, we enjoyed our meal and I studied some biology! I took a quick nap and then worked from 3p-3a. It was a really tiring shift because of my crazy assignment, but I made it out alive! I came home and cleaned my house at 4am but I couldn’t stand the mess! I like things all neat and organized and the house was definitely neither of those! But it’s looking better now! Had I not been so tired, I think I would have finally scrubbed my floors too!

This morning Jon and I went to look at floors for the house! We have a few samples laying around the house and I think we may end up looking again on Sunday morning before making our final decision! I can’t believe we’re 3 weeks away from laying our own floors (with the help of his brother)! I have a feeling that’ll give me the push to get the rest of the house done but there’s no way I can take that much money out of savings!

I got my hair cut and then went over to my parent’s house (just a side note: he did not cut my bangs enough so I need to get that fixed) with Jon. My sister Annie and my nephew Tank got in town last night! We ate dinner and Jon played with Tank for so long! It was so fun watching them interact! Best future uncle ever. And Tank seriously just gets cuter and cuter. I love that kid! I was hoping to stay and hang out for awhile tonight but there was no way it was going to happen! I didn’t fall asleep till after 5 last night and was up by 9:30, so I’m about to head to bed! Jon wanted to make it home to watch football anyway, but I need to get up early enough to study tomorrow and have some family time!

No exercising this weekend cause there just wasn’t any time or energy! Maybe tomorrow, or maybe not. It may have to wait till after my test on Tuesday night.


The man.


The sister.


The nephew! SO CUTE!

Running and The Iberian Pig date night

I was so excited on Thursday night because I managed to get Jon to run with me at night! He really doesn’t ever run anymore but I was dying to take a nap before class, so I had asked him if he’d run with me after since it would be too dark for me to go alone. I ran down the road I’ve been going down lately and he wanted to run back which was really not okay with me since it’s all an incline, but I did fine. Even though I’m not a fast runner at all, I feel fast when I run with other people because I slowed myself way down going up the hill so I didn’t leave Jon behind. And at the end of 3.1 miles (30:39) I really wanted to keep going! I may try to run for a little bit today, but I work 3p-3a tonight and have to study this morning, so it may not happen. I haven’t worked a 12 hour shift until 3am in close to a year and I struggle working 7p-3a (and taking a nap until 5pm!), so I feel like I may need to be as lazy as possible until I go to work this afternoon. Conserve all energy.

Last night, I worked till 7p and then Jon and I went to The Iberian Pig. It was in Decatur and I haven’t gone to downtown Decatur in a long time, and when Jon and I went before, we got lost so we never even made it to walk around. It was so cute out there! I loved it! A lot of places had lights out! I wish I had taken a picture but I didn’t. Anyway, The Iberian Pig was awesome! However, my plan was to get 5 plates of tapas to share, but the server told us each plate was 3-5 bites. I still wanted to stick with 5 plates because I had seen pictures of the food, but then Jon wanted to increase it. So I decided to get a plate of food and only try each tapas so that Jon could eat all of them. After getting our food, we realized that 3-5 bites per plate thing is a total gimmick to make more money on new people. The tapas were actually really good portions and Jon didn’t even finish his last one (and he’s a big boy!) because he was so full! And I was miserably full after trying small bites of the tapas and eating my meal! The bacon wrapped dates and pork cheek tacos were amazing! Holy moly. Amazing. The rest were decent. I definitely would recommend going there, but our bill was $82, including 2 glasses of wine. So definitely not a cheap date night. But I really wanted to do something different than we usually do (how many times can we eat Mexican and sushi?) and I had heard good things about The Iberian Pig. I am really glad we went! We had a table by the window and overlooked the downtown area and it was a really nice environment.



I miss the days when our date nights could cost us $70 on a weekly basis and we never even though about it. I definitely didn’t mind spending over $100 for our date night last night (especially because I didn’t do anything for Jon’s birthday last month because I’m a horrible girlfriend), but it’s definitely not the norm now that we’re both in school.

We fell asleep as soon as we got home (old people) and now I’m working on biology before I go to work! My sister and nephew get in town today but I won’t see them until dinner tomorrow! Jon and I are heading up to have dinner with the family since we have to pick out our floors in the morning! My other sister and her fiance come in town on Monday night! I don’t think I’ve been this excited for Thanksgiving in a long time! In the holiday spirit, I’ve been eating this as a snack lately:

brie turkey

Turkey with cranberry sauce, cut up apples, and brie- baked in my toaster oven to heat it all up! So good! Picture skills not so good.

I’m off to try and be productive! Jon is about to get home from a doctor’s appoinment and he said he’d make us breakfast! Looking forward to it cause I’m starving!

Days off work are the best!

I managed to get up by 9 today! I slept through 6 text messages this morning (before 8:30! seriously, who does that?!) and Jon’s alarm, plus his entire shower. He woke me up to kiss me goodbye and then I fell right back to sleep! I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed to my alarm at 8:30. That’s kind of a lie. I laid in bed till 9 with Tom sitting all over my face, but I was so comfortable that I still had to drag myself out of bed. Why is waking up so hard?!

I went to the gym right after getting up. I’ve been telling myself that I only have to stay for an hour, because it feels daunting to spend 2 hours there when you have a million other things on your to do list. I actually stayed for about 50 minutes and did 10 minutes on the elliptical, and then did biceps and shoulders. I could have gone longer, but my lab professor dropped a bomb on us last night that we had homework, plus our usual lab write up for last night, plus our lab write up for next week, and he wants them tomorrow or Friday! Not to mention, I have two super lengthy computer final projects to do and a test next Tuesday that I was going to study for all day today. Anyway, back to the gym… I never go in the mornings and I was a little unnerved when I got there by how many people were there, but they were mostly on the cardio machines and the regular machines! I guess the big free weight guys go later in the day, which is where I prefer to spend my time, so it was actually really nice! Maybe I’ll get up earlier and go more often (but probably not).

I think once school is out for the semester, I’m going to check out a CrossFit gym near here. Jon went to the one closest to here and said he liked it, but they favor their competitors. I plan on not being a competitor. I also have looked at some of their WODs and a lot of it looks to be more of the heavy lifting with less metcon. And right now, I’d rather do more metcons with CrossFit than heavy lifting because my thumb can’t lift heavy. But then again, I only want to go once a week… So anyway, we’ll see. I have a final on December 5th, so maybe after that I’ll head in to try and mix it up a little bit again. I really need to make myself go to yoga, but I just hate it! It’s so boring! I want to die of boredom every time I do yoga, but my body needs some help with flexibility.

Anyway, all these plans I’ve been putting off for awhile are happening to get done today. After the gym, I rushed over to Whole Foods and did all my grocery shopping. I actually have SO many recipes that I’m dying to make, but I work and then my family is coming in town so I won’t be eating dinner at my house much next week! After the grocery store, I dropped everything off and Jatoya (a friend from nursing school) told me she was ready for me to go to her work for lunch! I picked up our food and headed over to eat with her, with no time to shower! Her coworkers (all twenty of them in the breakroom) probably thought I was a slob, but she texted me 30 minutes earlier than I was planning. I came home from there, showered, sat down and did 10 minutes of biology, and then Rachel (a girl I work with) told me she was off work and ready to meet up. So we went to eat at Uncle Julio’s and then I just came home not too long ago.

I knocked out my lab write up for last night and I’m about to make Jon some dinner (and my lunch for work for the next 3 days). I’m back at work tomorrow and am really dreading it. After working so much last week, I still feel burnt out. These two days off were wonderful, even though I hardly got anything done that I wanted (my kitchen floors!). I did run yesterday, work out today, grocery shop, and manage to have some friend time. So it’s all good.

I’m just looking forward to Friday night cause Jon and I are having a date night! I think we’re going to go to this wine place right by our house that does tastings and pairings! They did have a groupon before, so I’ll need to check on that. With all this school and work we both do, our time together is pretty limited. It’ll be really nice to have an evening out and I don’t even work till 3pm on Saturday (I’m dreading that shift too!).

Perfect day off of work!

I’ve had a pretty fantastic Monday, which I find really exciting because I work every day between tomorrow and Saturday (off Sunday though!). I woke up at 8:30 so I could go make sure the school took care of the registration holds on my account and I was expecting a huge hassle. It’s my last class that I need for graduation and everything else related to being a transient student has been a pain in the ass. Surprisingly, it was taken care of immediately!

I came home and made breakfast and started working on my lab report for biology. I did that for a little over an hour (still a lot to go on it) and then I went to the hospital to have lunch with Jon (he works there, not as a patient!). I love that I live so close to his work and to Kassie’s work because I have lunch with both of them fairly regularly. I was in such a bad mood last night and totally took it out on Jon, so it was nice to actually talk to him and be friendly over lunch!

It is an absolutely beautiful fall day today, so I texted Kassie to see if she wanted to meet me at Piedmont Park for a run this afternoon. She works from home on Mondays and lives right across the street from the park, so she was able to. I haven’t ran with anybody since I’ve started running lately and it was so nice! We went 2.5 miles in 25 minutes and the time flew by! I wore my new shoes and had no complaints during the run! I actually felt amazing and wanted to keep running but Kass hasn’t been running distances lately, so she was done! We went back to her house and got her dog and then took a walk around the park for awhile. I noticed a small little pain in my left knee walking around, but it was minor and I didn’t feel it when I got home. I actually considered going back out to run more because it’s so nice out and I just didn’t feel satisfied yet, but I’m trying to be smart about it since I’m in new shoes. So I didn’t. I’m still hesitant about pushing too much and getting any kind of injury. I know I don’t run that far, but I’m also not used to running much at all. It is really nice though because all those years that I spent in the Army, I wanted to die at the end of a 2 mile run! And today I felt great at the end of 2.5 miles! Even though I wish I could run 10 miles it’s no big deal (I’m so impatient!), it’s still nice to notice little improvements like that.

piedmont park

Anyway, I had planned on going to the gym after the run, but it was already 3:30 and the gym starts getting busy at 4 on Monday. Not in the mood to deal with that and I wanted to enjoy the weather, so I skipped the gym. I can go tomorrow after work! Instead I came home, made a cup of coffee, and am sitting on the porch blogging! Jon came home from work early though and needs his computer for homework, so I guess I’ll be moving back into the house to work on my lab report from my desktop 😦 I want a laptop! For free! Nobody wants to spend $1000 on computers when there are trips to be had and floors to be installed!


Crista is coming over a little later to cook with me. Since I work all week, I’ll make a bunch of food tonight. I think I’m going to make Paleo pad thai tonight too. I had planned on trying a bunch of new recipes this week, but got to Whole Foods at 8:30 last night after work and they close at 9 so I felt really rushed, and all I had to eat at work was a thing of yogurt so I started getting really shaky (hence my bad mood when I got home- poor Jon). It’s hard to think under those conditions, so almost everything on my grocery list is still sitting at the store.

Not looking forward to working at all this week, but I guess that’s life! I just want to enjoy the fall weather since it has been such a nice fall this year! I think the leaves are prettier than usual and the weather has just been perfect! I’m hoping to get a few more runs in this week, even though I probably won’t do anything too long until I’m positive that these shoes are okay!

Mmmkay, everybody have a good day.

Netherworld, new running shoes, and moving day!

This weekend was really busy! Friday I was finally off for the first time in over 2 weeks (aside from the wedding weekend that was not very relaxing). I was so excited. I finally made it to the gym for a fairly quick arm workout of sorts and then went to buy new running shoes. I settled on the Newton Energy ones after trying a million pairs on. I ran 1.8 miles in them after and was pretty disappointed. They felt okay, but the bottoms of my feet were on fire! The shoes are snug so there shouldn’t have been much friction, so I’m thinking it may have been my socks. I wear thicker Saucony socks (that I really love with my New Balance Minimus shoes) but maybe they were too thick for those. I think I have some thinner socks so I’m going to try those this afternoon. If the same thing happens, I think I’m going to exchange them for the Nike Free ones and try those out.

Friday night, Jon and I went to Netherworld , which is a huge haunted house in Atlanta. Crista’s boyfriend, Billy, was in town and this was her idea. The lines were insanely long but they did a good job on the haunted house. There was the main house and then the Boogeyman house, and that one was more creepy stuff (like Silence of the Lambs type stuff and It). I don’t get scared by things like that, but it was hilarious watching Crista in there. Everything freaked her out. I would recommend it if you get scared easily or have a friend who can entertain you, but the tickets were $30 each and I doubt I’d ever pay that again to go there.



Saturday I had to work from 11-11. I probably annoyed Jon in the morning by snoozing my alarm 10 times, and then drinking coffee in bed so I could spend some time with him. I think he would have preferred sleeping to spending time with me, and I ended up spilling coffee all over the bed so he had to wash the comforter and sheets while I was at work. Oops! Good thing he loves me! Work was fairly busy, but not horrible. I was definitely glad when 11pm hit, and also really glad I hadn’t decided to work 3p-3a since it was daylight savings!

Sunday I had big plans of the gym and running, but that never happened. We slept until 9 and Jon made me breakfast! He doesn’t cook very often, but I like to sleep later than him so sometimes I get lucky and wake up to breakfast already cooked. I was contemplating going to the gym, but knew we were going to be busy moving him so I decided to knock out grocery shopping with him. I actually love taking him grocery shopping with me. It’s nice to have company and we usually end up browsing Whole Foods together, which I never do alone. I’m off all week (unless I get called in today or Wednesday) so I finally have time to make us dinner! I bought a bunch of stuff and am pretty excited about trying a new recipe tonight!

We have been planning on replacing the wire shelving in the pantry and in the bathroom since everything tips over all the time (drives me c.r.a.z.y.), so we decided to head to Lowe’s since we had some time. They ended up being out of the shelving we need, so I’m hoping it comes in tonight so we can organize the closets better. We also decided to walk through the flooring section since I want to put in wood floors. While browsing, Jon said he was going to install them. He has never done it, but I’m all about it! It’s around $2/sqft to install the foors, so that saves me $2,000! His brother actually owns a flooring company in Florida, so we’re going to have him to come up in December to help us get started one weekend. He can teach us how to join the tile and wood and meet up with the walls. I’m a little nervous about it (after all, I’m the one who owns the house), but if Jon wants to do it, then we’re going to learn! It’ll be nice to know how to redo our own house for the future!

Anyway, after that, we started moving his stuff into my house. It was fairly quick, but he has a lot of stuff. And we still have his storage unit to move in here! We spent the evening organizing, making dinner, and doing homework. There is still stuff all over the place and it’s driving me a little crazy. I like things in set spots and I hate having little objects everywhere. So we’ll have to get more of it done tonight. I think things will be a mess until December, when we both finish the semesters at school and have to move everything in order to put in our floors.

We enjoyed the fire place for a little while last night. We had a fire for about 15 minutes in the morning (our first one) and then had it on for awhile last night. It’s gas, which is so nice so we don’t have to spend forever starting it and putting it out. Tom was pretty entranced, but I think he may have burned his nose on the mesh wire and then didn’t go near it again. I hope he learned his lesson. Don’t play with fire!


I planned on getting up early today, but that definitely didn’t happen. Tom and I cuddled in bed till 10 and then I started on some biology. This unit has me totally lost (gylcolysis, the Krebs Cycle, Calvin Cycle?!) and I’m so over school. I’ve made 3 As on tests so far and only have two left, but one grade is dropped. So I think I may just review minimally and go into this with an I’m going to fail attitude. At this point, I just don’t care. I’m about to head to the gym for a leg day and then try to run another 2 miles to try my new running shoes with new socks. If I still don’t like them, the shoe store is in the same building at the gym and I can just run along the main road, so I’ll just swap them out.


My cuddly TomCat this morning.

Tonight is the first Homeowner’s Association Meeting that I’m going to (I think they do one big one a year) and I’m pretty excited. I haven’t met a ton of people who live in my condo complex aside from my neighbors, so I’m curious to see who else is living in here. They’re going over the plans for the next year too. Jon said he was going to come, so hopefully his homework is done so he can actually come. I’m starting to feel like a real, old married couple here…

I’ll leave you all with a picture of us from the wedding, since I never managed to put up any photos of it!


He doesn’t normally dress up in suspenders and a bow tie, but this was the groomsmen attire. Handsome man!